Thursday, December 2, 2010

AT LEAST Thirty-Second Thursday

First video:
1) Serena watching Biggest Loser at lunch the other day. Whenever it goes to a commercial break or anything that makes the screen go black even for a split second, she points to the computer and in a very urgent voice says, "Uh! Uh!"
2) Serena is not easily startled, though Jordan does try.
3) Serena getting thrown around by Jordan. She loves it!

Video #2:
One of Serena's favorite places to be is in Daddy's lap while he works on his computer. Even if all he is doing is typing emails, she thinks it's just great to sit there and watch. Lately, he's had his duck & goose calls nearby so he can practice, and Serena always likes watching him do that. The other day, Serena finally figured out how to blow hard enough to make noise come out of them! It's so funny to watch her take in these HUGE breaths and push them out! Jordan was watching a video clip about bird calling at the time, which he paused while I took the video; but then Serena insisted he turn it back on, so you'll hear it playing in the background! ;)


your friend from Iowa said...

Love the videos! So funny to see Serena shoveling food in her mouth while watching Biggest Loser!
She's amazing with the duck calls, too!

jules said...

it's great how excited her face is the first time the duck call came out!