I just got around to dumping a bunch of pictures from my phone onto my computer, so not all of these are from today!

November 26th
Serena loves my shower cap and always wants us to put it on her. She was teething on this day...you can see it in her eyes! :(

November 28th
Jordan left early in the morning to go duck hunting. He took Rocky and left Macy with me. So, one of the things Serena wanted to do when she woke up was try to get Macy to howl.

November 28th
Success! ;) Too bad I didn't get a picture of Serena's face after Macy howled...she gets such a kick out of it!

December 1st
Carefully stacking her blocks. Yes, of course, her tongue is sticking out! The highest tower she could do was 4 high. But she usually knocked them over while reaching for the next block, haha!

December 1st
I just think it's so cute when she's bending over to reach something in her toy box! By the way, isn't that just about the cutest toy box you've ever seen?! ;)

December 2nd
Melts my heart!

December 2nd
With all her teething the last few days, Serena has spent a lot of time on Daddy's lap. Apparently it makes her feel better!
Today was SUCH a beautiful day! It was sunny and got up in the high 60's. Serena slept 13 hours last night...which means she slept in...for more than a whole hour past her normal wake-up time! And to think I used to consider 8:20 a fairly early morning! Serena obviously felt so much better today than she's felt all week. Apparently her teeth have decided to give her a break! She played outside all morning long while I relaxed in a chair on the patio, haha! After her nap, we took her to the playground. It was so nice to have our happy little Serena back again!

Serena spent a long time this morning pulling grass and putting it in the gutter trough. Then, she would brush it all out with her shovel. And repeat. Rocky was close by to monitor her work. You never know when she might pull out something edible! ;)

After her nap, Serena was in such a silly mood! She would put her paci in and then pull it out and just laugh and laugh like it was the funniest thing ever!

Although she loves swinging in the baby swings, Serena's trip to the playground is never complete unless she's gotten to swing on the big-kid swings too!
These are great! So glad to see the happy face, and love all her busyness!
she's such a sweetie! hope her teeth are done soon:)
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