Monday, December 13, 2010


Serena 'visits' the Christmas tree a few times a day. She points to each ornament within reach and says, "Dat!" about each one. For the most part she's been really good about leaving the ornaments on the tree. She's allowed to touch, but not take them off. When she does 'accidentally' take one off (she always looks a little surprised to suddenly find it in her hand), she brings it straight to Jordan or I!


your friend from Iowa said...

I see that little finger pointing! Can't wait for her to be touching our ornaments :))

jules said...

jen!!! she has such a "you" face in this picture!! WOW :)

Jess said...

jenny she looks SO much like you here! (and now i see that julie said the same thing! haha! so it must be true!) ;) cute!