Monday, December 20, 2010

Day #1 of Getting Spoiled

Serena had a lot of fun today! As soon as she woke up, Grandma came to get her and off they went to play and have breakfast and listen to music (and anything else Serena's heart desired, I'm pretty sure!)! Meanwhile, Mommy & Daddy slept for another hour or so! :)

(I have forgotten to mention that Serena learned a new sign last week. I taught her a sign for 'music' since she loves it so much. I just swing my hand back in forth like you would if you were conducting a choir. When Serena does it, it looks more like she is waving. I have been so surprised how often she asks for music now, though! Every morning, one of the first things she wants to do is have me turn on my computer and start cranking out the music. When we get in the car, sometimes I'm not even done buckling her in and she's already asking me to turn on some music! It didn't take her long to figure out where the music comes from at Grandpa & Grandma's either; and if for some reason it gets turned off, Serena notices very quickly and finds someone to turn it back on for her!)

Serena had a lot of fun this morning exploring the house and playing with the toys. Aunt Andria & Caroline came over to play for a while, and that was fun (at least for Mommy!). Serena wasn't as enthusiastic about Caroline as she was the last time she saw her, haha! Caroline, on the other hand, was very excited to see Serena! They had switched roles in their reactions to each other in comparison to their last 'playdate.' ;) By the time Great-Grandma & Pa came over, Serena was hungry for lunch and then ready for a nap, so she wasn't too fun for them. After her nap, she was really out-of-sorts and in pain from her tooth. There were a couple times when she was eating a cracker that she bit down and then just started bawling like she'd just suffered through the worst experience ever! Poor little baby! Poke through soon, you Big Mean Molar! Needless to say, she wasn't too interested in being friends with Uncle Luke & Aunt Anna when they came over tonight, either. Even though Luke offered to feed her, she wasn't about to be separated from her mommy! (And that's saying a lot, since food is usually a no-fail!) ;) Hopefully she'll be in a friendlier mood the next time we see everyone! :P She's sleeping now...she's stirred and whimpered a few times, but hasn't really woken up yet. Here's hoping she has a good night!

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