Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Out of Sorts

Well, our reprieve from teething was short, though definitely much appreciated. We seem to be back in the trenches now and let me tell you, those molars take a lot of work! And not just for Serena, either, haha! ;P She is mostly her normal happy little self; it's just that the smallest little thing will send her over the edge...from which she is usually easily retrieved after a hug from Mommy. So, today I spent a lot of time sitting on the floor and just keeping myself available to her. I'm really struggling with back pain the last couple days, so I'm trying to avoid picking her up and holding her. :( We did venture out with her to the Olive Garden for lunch (thanks to Julie for Jordan's birthday!) and that was so fun! Afterward, we walked around the mall a bit and Serena was Miss Congeniality over there too. I was happy to see her enjoying herself! :) At home, Serena continues to love on Maggie. The first thing Jordan does every morning is to let the dogs outside. He'll ask Macy, "Do you want to go outside?" and I'm not sure who hurries out the bedroom door the fastest, Macy or Serena! Macy heads straight for the back door while Jordan lets Rocky out of his kennel, but Serena now heads straight for Maggie's kennel (in the living room) and makes all kinds of noises and gestures in an attempt to get Jordan to let her out! I agree, Julie...Serena's probably going to LOVE Amy! Hopefully not too much, haha!

Serena in the middle of the fray

It's like Serena knows she's overreacting about things, and when something makes her upset she'll often just come over, climb on my lap, and nestle her sweet head on my chest for a minute or so and then go back to playing like nothing happened. Poor little baby just needs some Mommy-love to make it all better! ;)

1 comment:

jules said...

aww, poor lil girl! hope those ol' molars are in soon!