It wasn't too bitterly cold out today, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to take Serena out and let her experience the SNOW! There's plenty of it on the ground and I was excited to see what she would think. Thankfully, Grandma & Great-Grandma have been busy gathering cold-weather gear for Serena in advance! It was so fun to get her all bundled up in the cutesie pink snowpants and the pink winter coat!!! :D

I had a hard time getting a decent picture of Serena in her snowpants. She just wanted to play with Mommy's snowboots!
Jordan carried Serena out and plopped her in the snow, but she was not too excited about that! She started to kind of enjoy herself when he picked her up and carried her through the yard, but when he put her down again she seemed very troubled about walking through it herself. After walking a few steps, she was ready to be picked up again. We couldn't get her to relax and 'play' in it at all. :( Guess we'll just have to keep working on her! At least she looked cute doing it! Hahahahaha! :D

NOT a snow baby
Grandpa found some ear muffs to put on Serena this evening. She thought it was really fun to take them off and then hand them to the nearest person and pat her head to ask them to put the muffs back on.

Wearing ear muffs
Serena was fascinated with this singing snowman thing last year, so we pulled it out tonight to see what she would think of it this year. She still loves it! Someone would push the button to get it started, and she would giggle and cheer. Then when it stopped, she would make her 'music' sign (waving her hand) until someone got it going again!

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