Sunday, December 5, 2010

Changing Baby's Diaper

Serena's newest thing to do with her 'baby' is to try to change her diaper. She'll toddle out to her room, reach into the big box of diapers, pull one out (or two or three), and bring it (them!) back to wherever she left her baby (ie., the living room floor, the bathroom drawer, the kennel, or the back yard). She then very painstakingly tries every possible way of putting the diaper on the baby...diaper on top, baby on top, diaper on baby's face, get the idea! After Serena goes to bed, I go around and pick up all the toys and things we got out during the day. Part of that routine now includes gathering diapers to put back in the box for Serena's bottom. ;) Tonight, Serena wanted me to put a couple diapers on her baby. I happily complied, not realizing what I was thereby signing up for! I spent the next 30 minutes sitting on the floor across from Serena with her baby in between us, putting the diapers on the baby over and over and over and over again!!

Serena and her baby

1 comment:

jules said...

aww that's so funny! sorry i started that for you ;) hehee!