Monday, December 6, 2010

DON'T Take It Off!

Tonight after supper, Serena was trying to climb up on the cube and getting so frustrated because she couldn't get up there. It didn't take long for Jordan & I to figure out that it was because she had her jeans on and couldn't extend her leg as far as she normally does. So, Jordan went over to take the jeans off of her since I was busy cleaning up supper. No sooner did he get the jeans off, than Serena started crying and looking over at me with the most pained expression, like "Mommy, PLEASE make Daddy put them back on!" I grabbed the camera, but I was too late; she got over it pretty quickly! Bummer! ;) I did get this cute picture of Jordan explaining to (a much calmer) Serena that it would be easier for her to climb now that she didn't have her jeans on. Soon after, he was helping her get started climbing on the cube and she happily forgot about the trauma of having her jeans removed! This is only a little glimpse of how much Serena enjoys clothes. I have to keep her clothes put away (and the dirty ones go straight to the laundry room) or she will bring them to me and want me to put them on her (regardless of what she's already wearing)! When I get out an outfit for her to change into, she comes right over (especially if she sees that socks/shoes are involved!) and sits down in front of me very expectantly. She just loves getting dressed!

"It'll be easier for you to climb without your jeans on"

Serena (still) loves climbing on this cube and (still) claps enthusiastically for herself every time she gets up there. She's even added a delightful little "Aahhh!" to celebrate the accomplishment each time!

Serena is starting to learn that her signs can be applied in different situations from what they were originally introduced. For example, tonight she found it absolutely necessary to come and tell me each time that she was going to climb some "More" before she climbed onto the cube! It made me laugh how serious she was about it! And as soon as I would say, "Okay, go climb some more," then she would hurry back to the cube and get busy climbing!

Oh, and in other news, Serena stacked 5 (count them, FIVE) blocks today, heehee! ;) AND she discovered the hilarity in knocking over stacks of blocks (even if they are only 2 high)! LOTS of laughs, let me tell you! :D

1 comment:

jules said...

it's so fun to hear the stories! this blog is going to be so fun for you to look back on in years to come!!