Saturday, October 16, 2010

This Little Piggy

Cutest little piggy I know!

Jordan & I are constantly amazed at how Serena can put down food! She loves eating! This is the girl about whom the pediatrician was worried that by not feeding her by 6 months of age we were going to miss the opportunity for her to learn how to eat. We waited until 9 1/2 months of age to introduce food to her diet, and she has apparently defied science and eats like a pro! ;D (Seriously, I still can hardly believe he said that!)

Anyway, Serena is 14 1/2 months old now, and still wearing her 9-12 months clothes. She has really only grown in height over the last 5 months! I weighed and measured her, and she is 18.4 pounds and 28.5 inches. According to the growth chart at, that puts her in the less-than-5th percentile for both height & weight! She's such a shrimp! Most people are shocked when I tell them Serena's age...they usually say they were going to guess 9 or 10 months old!

She's a little piggy, though! Here's her diet for today, which was fairly typical of any day:

For the last almost 4 months, she's had the same breakfast every day: 1 serving (1/2 cup dry) of plain cooked oatmeal with water and a few handfuls of plain Cheerios. I had imagined that as she got older she would be interested in having some blueberries or apples or cinnamon or something in her oatmeal, but you should see how excited this kid gets about her plain oatmeal every morning! And being the lazy person that I am, I have not yet offered to dress her oatmeal up! Seriously, for about a month, she would cry every time I put the oatmeal in the microwave because she wanted it and I guess she was afraid I was putting it away or something? Anyway, lunch today was about a 1/2 cup of leftover chicken fried rice (last night's supper) with peas, carrots, and eggs. She was still hungry after polishing that off, so she had a cooked apple. For afternoon snack, she had 5 or 6 whole wheat Ritz crackers and an entire banana. To hold her off till supper (we went to the mall over the time we would normally eat supper tonight), I gave her more Cheerios. She probably had 1/4 cup or so. Then, for supper, she had about a cup of halved grapes and half a 6" egg & cheese quesadilla. Oh, and then she had some plain organic yogurt before bed. She drains her sippy cup full of water 2 or 3 times a day, and breastfeeds 4 (sometimes 5, depending on her need that day) times a day (she's been officially night-weaned for about a month now!).

I'm sure she'll hit a growth spurt one of these days! She can't stay this little forever, haha! If she does, I'm going to have to get her some more clothes because the ones she's in are starting to show their wear! :P For now, I'm just happy that I don't have too big a baby to lug around since my inside-baby is growing and making it harder and more uncomfortable to lug around my outside-baby! ;)

BIG grin! :D


your friend from Iowa said...

She IS the cutest little piggy ever!!

jules said...

hahaa love this post :)

and super cute pictures, too! especially the bottom one with her toothy grin!!