Monday, October 11, 2010

Rough Day

Well, Serena still has a little bit of a runny nose, but I definitely thought things were getting better. However, in spite of the fact that she woke up at 6:30 and crawled all over Jordan & I for an hour quite happily, as soon as we all got up she started being a big crab! :P And she kinda stayed that way all day. Just easily frustrated and very attached to Mommy. Makes me wonder if her teeth are moving, cause that's the way she acts when she's teething. Of course, she won't let me look in her mouth, so WHO KNOWS?! We can just hope that tomorrow is better, I guess!

Sometime after 10, she started acting really tired. She would want to be up on the couch with me (I was on the phone) and then she would lay down on me for like 30 seconds or so and then get down and look at books for a few minutes before repeating. Finally, I decided to stop being a bad mommy and got off the phone so I could put her down for a nap. She only slept for about 30 minutes before she woke up crying. As soon as I picked her up, though, she laid her head on my shoulder and fell back to sleep. I was pretty tired myself (my throat's been kinda scratchy so I think I'm fighting the little cold thing that she has), so I brought her out to the living room and laid down on the couch with her. It wasn't long before I was out and we took a nice nap together for about an hour and a half. Finally, I got up and started working on other quiet little projects while she continued to sleep for another 45 minutes! Poor baby was so tired, I guess! Too bad getting a 3-hr nap didn't really help her mood out as much as I'd hoped it would! :P

Sound asleep on the couch. Isn't she starting to get that toddler look lately?!

Look at those big round eyes! I snapped this one while she was eating some late lunch (it was 2 o'clock!) shortly after she woke up from her nap.

This afternoon, Serena was losing interest in her toys and just kinda wanted me to hold her a lot but wasn't even really satisfied with that, so I racked my brain to come up with something that could distract her from whatever was bothering her. Then I remembered that we had some sidewalk chalk that I had not gotten out for her yet. At first, she just wanted to watch me draw with it, but pretty soon she started making marks on the patio herself. After a while, she got really into it. She would march over to one corner of the patio and make two marks, and then she would get up and walk (with a very serious, trying-not-to-smile-look on her face) over to the opposite corner and make two marks. Then she would go back to the original corner and repeat this little ceremony. It was so funny, I was just cracking up at her, especially because of that look on her face! What a goof! Who knows what's going on in that curly head of hers?! So, it turned out to be a fun evening. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be back to normal!

1 comment:

your friend from Iowa said...

She really does have a 'toddler look' stretched out on the couch - her legs looks so long! Hope she's feeling better & you too!