Sometimes I just wonder what is going through Serena's head! This afternoon, she threw her piano out! No, I'm serious, she really did! It was in the room over by her bedroom, and she was over there playing with some different toys and now and then I heard her plink away at her little piano. It looks just like this, only it's yellow instead of red.

I picked it up for $.10 at a garage sale in Fairfax earlier this summer. Anyway, the next thing I knew, she was trotting through the kitchen on her way to the back door carrying her piano. Every now and then, she'll take a toy outside to play with it, but taking the piano out there is definitely a first. Come to think of it, she hasn't really played with the piano at all since we moved here! So, I watched her carry her piano to the open door (see my post about that over here). She stopped, and then raised her piano as high as she could, and literally CHUCKED that piano as hard as she could outside!!!! I was standing back in the kitchen laughing so hard (silently, of course; I don't want her to get any big ideas that throwing things is far we've been able to avoid that particular toddler game!). Then, she proceeded to work her way down the little step onto the cement patio and she played with her piano outside for a few minutes. So, apparently that was why she threw it out there. It was just so funny to watch! Usually, she is bringing smaller toys out there and is able to maneuver the step while holding the toy; but I guess she figured she needed to have her hands free and somehow she needed to get that piano outside! Obviously, throwing it was her only viable option! ;)
Somebody was very tired for tonight's walk...even though it wasn't even 7 o'clock yet!
Can you find Serena?
Our walk tonight took us back behind our development to where they just put in a bunch of HUGE telephone poles. They left their pay loader out, so of course we had to get a picture! ;)
We all got a good laugh over the piano story! So glad you got to witness it!
i love those of her in the tires of the big machine :) CUTE!!
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