The sidewalk chalk is a big hit! A couple of the pictures are from yesterday, hence the two different outfits in this collage!
Well, last night was one for the books. Not in a good way! Serena went to bed really well at 7:45 just like normal. Then, she woke up around 9:45. Not too unusual, but normally I can get her to go right back to sleep. This time was different, though! She was so restless, and even when she was just laying there her eyes were wide open. It is SO discouraging to look down at your extremely tired baby and see that her eyes are OPEN! :P The minutes ticked by, and she was obviously tired (yawning and rubbing her eyes) but still wouldn't fall asleep. The later it got, she started crying off and on and just was miserable overall. After a while, I gave her some Tylenol (maybe it's her teeth?), but that didn't faze her at all. When a couple hours had passed, I tried nursing her, but that didn't seem to help either. Bummer, that's usually a no-fail remedy for anything! ;) I finally ended up out on the couch (even though my rocking chair is very comfy, I was getting a little numb after 2 hours!). Serena didn't actually fall asleep until a little before 2. I'm still a little amazed to think she stayed awake that long in the middle of the night! When morning came, she woke at her usual time of 7:30ish. I woke up to the sound of her playing with her toys and books in the corner by the couch! I was just glad she was in a happy mood! Today she took 2 naps - 3 1/2 hours total! She was a little touchy and needed Mommy a lot, though. I really hope she is better tomorrow! I'm ready for my old Serena to be back!
1 comment:
Jenn, I feel for both of you with your little sweetie being so out of sorts :-(. Praying for better rest tonight!
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