Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Learning about Gun Dogs

Serena's sick! :( I think this is her 4th cold now. It makes me so thankful for what a healthy girl she's been! Thankfully, the days aren't too bad...she keeps herself busy playing and apparently forgets about how rotten she's feeling; but last night was horrible!

Tonight, I took her to watch Jordan play softball. We drove separately because he had an appointment right before the game. For the last few minutes of the drive, Serena started to get really fussy. Finally, as a last-ditch effort to make her happy, I told her we were going to go see Daddy and isn't she glad we're going to see Daddy and Daddy loves her so much and doesn't she just love Daddy he's the best! (You get the idea!) It worked like a charm! Suddenly she was all perky and 'talking' away back there with all her babble and "Dada" mixed together. When I had parked and came around to get her out of her carseat, she was still going, and she was doing her sign for "I love you!" :)
Serena is getting to be as big of a dog-lover as her daddy. Here she is sneaking a peak at his Gun Dog magazine while he was in the shower.


jules said...

aww that's sweet how she perked up :) way to go!

Anonymous said...

She looks like such a big girl in that picture!! Cute post, Jenny!! :) Love, Grammie