Thursday, October 7, 2010

AT LEAST Thirty-Second Thursday

Serena is a huge talker...although not saying any words really yet. Lately, her favorite 'word' is "da-ga." She is constantly saying it over and over, "da-ga-da-ga-da-ga-da-ga-da-ga-da-ga-da-ga." So, I got some of her 'talking' and 'reading' her book to me for this video. Also, her newest sign: "Please." :)


your friend from Iowa said...

Anna is young enough that she can still remember talking like that and she knows what Serena is saying!

jules said...

it's SO funny how she's all soft in her dagadagadaga and then all the sudden is like daGAAAdaGAAA AGHHH! hahaaa cute :)

Anonymous said...

oh so CUTE!!! Love, Grammie