Sunday, October 24, 2010

First Molar Sighting!

I actually first caught sight of it a couple days ago, but I forgot to post about it. Today I got another look at that little pearly in her mouth and I'm pretty confident we've got a molar!!! In retrospect, I'm pretty sure that's what her runny nose and rough nights were all about a week or two ago! Now she's sporting the clear runny nose again (though so far the nights haven't been horrible...last night she was wakeful/restless, but she never cried or woke up completely), so I'm pretty suspicious of more 'teefers' moving around underneath those gums! Her new tooth is on the top right, apparently leaving a space for the 'eye' tooth or canine or whatever-you-want-to-call-it! Although we're still quite a ways from having the first 4 molars in (it seems like Serena's teeth move really slowly, even once they break the gums!), I'm excited for her to have some teeth that she can actually chew with! Should make mealtime a little easier on me not having to worry so much about what she can gum up and what I need to mash or break up for her!

We'll leave you with a smile from Serena tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you, Serena~~~you've got such a cute smile!!! Love, Grammie