Friday, October 15, 2010

Imitating & Climbing

When I looked over and saw Serena with her foot up on Rocky, my first thought was that she was going to step on him! Then, I realized that she was moving her foot around to 'pet' Rocky with her foot like Daddy was doing!

Somehow or other, this box ended up in front of this chair, and Serena just CAN'T pass up an opportunity to climb! She was SO proud of herself for getting up on the big chair All By Herself!


your friend from Iowa said...

Impressive climbing skills!
Big Girl, Serena!
That's really cute - petting Rocky with her foot! I remember Grant when he was about that age (yes, Grant again) trying to pick something up with his toes rather than bending down for it!

jules said...

funny girl - thats cute how she caught on to copy jordy :)