Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Softball Night!

World's Cutest Softball Fan

Sorry the picture is a little blurry tonight! I used my phone, which doesn't do the greatest at night! :P

We had a lot of fun at Jordan's softball game tonight! Serena just loves walking around and watching everyone! The team that was going to play after Jordan's game arrived almost a whole hour early, and she did a lot of mingling with them. She would walk down to where the men all were standing (none of whom she actually knew) and she would stand right in the middle of them and just watch them all, listening to their conversation. Then, she would finally turn around and come back to where I was sitting on the bleachers (probably 25 yards away), grinning so big like she'd just come back from some great adventure! There were a few girlfriends/wives who had come along with that same team to watch them play, and they were all sitting on the bleachers too. One of them had a big dog (Jordan thinks it was a Staffordshire Terrier) which Serena took immediate interest in (the girl who had him seemed really nice and said it was okay, so I let Serena meet him on her own). She walked over and looked at him for a little bit, and then she reached out her hand to him. He immediately started licking her hand, so she apparently figured that meant he was friendly and stepped in closer. Pretty soon, he was licking her face and she was all smiles and giggles! After that, I could hardly keep her away from him for more than 5 minutes at a time! :D

It was Daddy's birthday today, but he spent most of the day painting the neighbor's house; so, we spent some time over there watching him work. This particular neighbor (Gary & Sandy) live right on the edge of the park with the big rocks. Serena is getting really good at walking on the terrain over there! She used to fall a lot when we went to the park, but now she picks up her feet really well and can even go pretty fast if she wants to! She's really starting to show more independence, and she would wander out pretty far from me. I just kept an eye on her to make sure she wasn't going up by the road or down by the woods, but otherwise I didn't interfere with her explorations. Every now and then she would come back to me all smiling and proud of her great accomplishments! ;)


jules said...

hahaa!! that's adorable :D

Anonymous said...

she looks like such a big little girlie!! What a cutie!! Hope Jordan is having a great birthday WEEK!! ;)
Love, Grammie