Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Little Tired

Today was our first Sunday down here in Texas. We visited Mike & Eltza's church, Denton Bible. It's HUGE! Definitely different from any church we've ever attended before! We decided to go ahead and put Serena in the nursery this morning. After we went through all the registration, etc., we dropped her off in her room and she didn't cry or anything as we left (which was a good thing, since I probably wouldn't have been able to leave her if she had cried!). When we came back a couple hours later, she was sitting with 5 or 6 other 1-yr-olds around this little horseshoe-shaped table. There was a man sitting in the middle of the table singing a song with the kids and holding a Bible as he passed it around in front of the kids, "Pat the Bible, pat the Bible!" Serena was LOVING it! When the Bible ended up on the end of the table farthest from her, she started saying, "Ma, ma, ma!" (which, being interpreted is, "Bring it back over here!")! Jordan & I had fun just watching for a minute and then he went in and tapped her on the shoulder, fully expecting her to turn to him and want to be picked up right away. But, she just looked at him and went back to trying to get the teacher to bring the Bible back over where she could get her hands on it! Haha! Of course, when he picked her up, she was very happy to be back with her Mommy & Daddy!

I took this picture of Serena after we got back from the pool this afternoon. She was so worn out!

1 comment:

your friend from Iowa said...

I would have loved to see Serena sitting in her class - I can just see her looking so grown up sitting on the chair - trying to reach for the Bible non the less!!!