Thursday, September 30, 2010

AT LEAST Thirty-Second Thursday

This video is just a conglomeration of stuff from this week. The first part is Jordan spinning Serena and making her dizzy. I promise we have only done this 3 times, and there don't seem to be any negative side affects...other than her staggering about and looking totally stoned for a minute afterwards, haha! Also, Serena has added a new animal sound to her vocabulary (the only other one so far is the lion...ROAR!). Her new one is Macy: "What does Macy say?" "Ahh-ooooooo!" She loves that one! Especially when Macy responds with a howl! :D She's also added another body part to her repertoire (though her bellybutton is by far her favorite still). Serena picked up on where her nose is at thanks to a book Aunt Julie sent for her birthday, The Nose Book. I always point out Serena's nose when I read that book to her. Let's see...what else did I stick in this video...? Oh, her "I love you" sign, which is her version of crossing her arms in front of her...she crosses them down and grabs her wrist. ;) And then there's a bit at the end where she's going to get her diaper changed. For some reason she likes to get her diaper changed, and when I say, "Let's go change your diaper!" Serena will march happily to her room and lay down on her changing pad! Usually she swings her arms along the way (she always does that when she's in a particularly good mood), but she didn't in this video clip...I think she was being shy because I had the camera out. :P Anyway, I hope this one's not too long for you all to be able to load and watch! There's some pretty cute stuff in here! ;)

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