Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little Teaser

Back when Serena first started using a sippy cup with a straw, Jordan would take it and flick the end of the straw at her after she took a drink because there's a few drops of water that pool in the tip of the straw. Of course, it didn't take Serena long to figure out how he did it, and now she does it All The Time! She flicks the end of the straw (not in any particular direction; her aim isn't too good yet!) and then looks up at you fully expecting a reaction (i.e., pretending you just had a few drops of water hit your face)! It's pretty funny, and the expression on her face is just great!


your friend from Iowa said...

Anna thinks she looks like Jordan here!! Being a stinker!!

jules said...

she's like - hahaaa, i'm funny like daddy :D