A couple days ago, Serena brought me her baby doll's backpack/diaper bag and was not content with anything I did with it until I put it on her. She'd never worn it before, and it seems kind of surprising that she would know that was what it was for. But, Jordan mentioned that she would have seen him using his backpack last weekend when he went hunting, and she definitely has been trying to copy him a lot lately! (For example, often when Jordan spoon-feeds Serena, he waves the spoon around to make each bite a little more 'fun.' Today, after Jordan would give her a bite, Serena would start waving her arm around with her hand clenched like she was holding a spoon. Jordan was like, "Why is she doing that now?" And then we figured out that she was copying Jordan!) Anyway, so whatever the reason, Serena now sees her backpack and thinks that she must be wearing it ASAP. She toddles around the house playing with her toys happy as can be with her backpack on her back!
Serena wearing her backpack

She was too intent on 'reading' this book (for the 1,505,603rd time) to give me a smile for the picture
I love when she squats to examine something!
And a bonus....
This is the look she often gives me when Daddy is about to 'get' her!
Love the backpack! She seems so little to like something like that!
HAHAAA the backpack is great :):) gave me a good laugh!!!
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