Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Walk

When we left for tonight's walk, we forgot the stroller! We had driven over to the other side of our neighborhood so Jordan could take the dogs out in the field for some exercise, so we didn't really want to turn around and drive all the way back home for the stroller. So, Serena got to walk! She thought it was really great and it was fun to watch her explore! She found a big dead branch lying on the ground with all its leaves still on it. When she grabbed a hold of it, she realized that whenever she shook it, the dry leaves made a rattling sound. For some reason, that really struck her funny bone!

Trying to keep up with Daddy

After a while, Daddy came back and brought her out in the field with him!

She did pretty well navigating the uneven terrain. It certainly did not hold her back!

Big strides while holding onto Daddy's finger


your friend from Iowa said...

Awe! So Precious!

jules said...

i know exactly where that is:) fun memories!! cute pictures of serena with her daddy!!