Monday, November 1, 2010

Silly Girl!!

Nighttime can really bring out the silliness in Serena! These were taken right before bed tonight.

Big smiles!

Playing Peek-a-Boo

Finding her belly-button!

Grandma, Aunt Anna & I were so entertained with Serena's antics tonight, and she was loving having such an appreciative audience! Her nose is still a little runny sometimes, and at one point when she breathed out, a BIG bubble (like bigger than a quarter, haha!) blew out of her nose and popped on her lip. Of course, she felt it, and started rubbing her nose with her hand. Then, apparently feeling that was not taking care of the problem, she grabbed the front of her SHIRT and smeared it under her nose! AAAAHHHhhh!!!! :P THEN, she came towards me holding the snot-smeared front of her shirt out to me, "Deh! Deh!" I just laughed at her, so she headed towards Grandma doing the same thing! We were laughing SO hard at her!

1 comment:

jules said...

she cracks me up with all her goofiness... who'd she get that from?!