Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snowman! Foot! Ear! Poopytime!!!

Last night after Serena went to bed, I turned on Elf and put up the tree! Serena didn't notice it until after breakfast this morning. When she did notice it, she was standing about 5 feet away from it and suddenly burst out in a very high-pitched tone, "Da! Da! Da!" and pointing and giggling! It was so funny! I set a few other little Christmas-y things out too. One of them being a cute little beany-baby snowman. I put him in the corner of the kitchen counter on the right side of the stove. He's not really conspicuous there, but I thought he could sit leaned up against my cooking books and make me feel a little more festive in the kitchen, heehee! Well, this morning when Serena came into the kitchen for breakfast, somehow her eyes caught sight of the that snowman right away! I really didn't think she'd even notice him stuck in the corner like that, but she insisted I let her get her hands on him! And then, oh, the love that little snowman got!
Loving up the snowman!

Serena is getting very good at identifying body parts. She's known where her nose is for a long time (thanks to The Nose Book from Aunt Julie!), but lately we've added ears and feet. I think she could get a lot more of them pretty quickly, but she's kinda choosy about when she feels 'in the mood' for that game, haha!



I was trying to get some pictures of her reading her book, but I didn't realize until a minute or so later (when my nose picked up on a clue) that it was poopytime for her, hahahaha! The pictures are too good not to share. (Sorry, Serena!)

Poopytime! This one made me laugh so hard!

Seriously, Mom, you really think now is a good time for pictures?!


your friend from Iowa said...

Love the pictures! You can just see the delight in her eyes with the snowman - wish I'd been the one to hand it to her ;)

jules said...

HAAAAA the poop pictures CRACKED ME UP!!!!