Sunday, August 15, 2010

Walking, Talking, and Sorting Shapes

First words have been hard to identify with Serena. She reaches for me and says "Mamamama" when she is upset, but won't say "Mama" any other time. She says "Dada" a lot, but hasn't seemed to say it really specifically to Jordan. Until today. Today, he was walking by when she was in her high chair and she said very distinctly as she looked right at him, "Dada." She calls the dogs "DA!" in a very high-pitched voice, usually accompanied by pointing at them. That's about it for her 'words' at this point. She makes LOTS of other noises and loves to babble!

She is taking more steps, and really thinks it's fun! We've been working on getting it on video, so hopefully by Thursday I'll have some clips of it to string together! A few days ago, she was standing at the couch and of her own accord and without any encouragement from us, she took two steps to Macy! Then, yesterday, she was standing at a chair and took a couple steps to a nearby wall without any encouragement from anyone! She's also standing a lot more on her own.

Serena will play with her shape sorter for as long as she can find someone with the patience to sit and play it with her! She does really well fitting the shapes into the openings, she just needs help matching the right opening with the right shape.