Today the birthday festivities continued for little Miss Serena! She ate her cake around lunchtime. Well, she didn't actually consume very much of it. She REALLY liked the frosting at the start and then she began digging in for actual bites of cake and seemed to like that too. But, she seemed to reach her limit pretty quickly as the cake-eating digressed to cake-smearing all over herself and the highchair! She ended up in the kitchen sink for some serious clean-up!

We opened presents a little later in the afternoon. Serena got a little distracted for a while with all the tissue paper (so fun to tear!); but with a little help, she soon found the goodies UNDERNEATH the tissue paper! ;) We got her a shape-sorter, a ring stacker (I don't know what you call those things, but hopefully you know what I mean!), and a Baby Einstein 'radio.' The shape-sorter is a little 'old' for her right now, but hopefully it won't be long till she can play with it. She's very intrigued by the ring-stacker, but not very good at it yet. The radio is a HUGE hit! She's definitely our music-loving baby!!!
Precious Birthday Girl! One Year Old never looked so sweet :)
beautiful little birthday girl! what a FUN day!!
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