Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can You Hear Me?

We've been working with Serena on walking. She finally started letting us help her by holding her hands. She used to get really mad about it, but Jordan (of course) was the one to coax her into realizing just how fun it can be! When Jordan's walking with her, she periodically will tip her head back, expecting Jordan to give her kisses! :) Today, I plopped her on the floor (standing) and then stepped a couple feet away. Then, I reached out my hands and said, "Come here, Serena!" AND SHE TOOK A COUPLE STEPS!!!!!!! They were of the half-running type, but they were unassisted steps, nonetheless!!! However, I couldn't get a repeat performance. Little stinker! :P We'll keep working at it!

Serena thought it was really special to wear Daddy's ear muffs!


your friend from Iowa said...

Cute picture! Ooh, those first steps -- how exciting! It's hard to imagine her up and running - but it won't be long!

jules said...

hahaa! cute! she's such a munchkin!!!