A family in our church hosted a pool party tonight to get everyone together one more time before we take off for Texas. It was so much fun! Serena loved swimming! She floated in her yellow ring and watched Daddy and the other boys jump off the diving board, trying to make the biggest splash or catch a football in midair. She would kinda laugh and go, "Ooo!" and clap when Daddy jumped! :) By the time we got her out to eat, her little teeth were chattering!!! She got in one more time after we ate, but by then the sun was behind the house so the pool was shadowed and she got cold again pretty quickly. But, she had fun up on the deck playing with a little girl's shoes and our friends' baby's carseat! She carried the shoes over and put them in the carseat and then she herself climbed in and out of the carseat over and over! What a busy girl!

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