Saturday, April 17, 2010

Serena Is Sick :(

Poor Serena caught her second cold! Boohoo! Last night was really rough, and today I can tell she's feeling pretty miserable. She does not normally cuddle AT ALL, but today there were several times when she put her head on my shoulder and just rested. I wore her in my Moby quite a bit this afternoon, and she was so content to just hang out there. Awwwe. She's definitely missing some of her normal sparkle. Although, we did see a glimpse of it this evening. Macy was feeling very rambunctious and kept running in circles around the coffee table, and Serena thought it was SO funny! I did get it on video...maybe material for Thursday? ;) For today's shot, I thought I'd try to get a picture of her rubbing at her nose/eyes, which she does constantly when she's sick. I ended up with this one, and I just HAD to post it because her expression is SO funny!


Anonymous said...

She's so cute even when she's sick!! Get well, Serena!!! Wish I was there to share in some of that cuddle time!! Love, Grammie

jules said...

hahaa! i was just going to say exactly what mom said - she's so cute even when she's sick! i love her outfit and that brown polk-a-dot bow!