Thursday, April 8, 2010

AT LEAST Thirty-Second Thursday

I have determined that 'Thirty-Second Thursday' is far too confining of a title. I have only on rare occasions managed to keep my videos to 30 seconds, which leaves me feeling guilty each week as I post videos that double, triple, and sometimes QUADRUPLE 30 seconds. I know you all say "That's okay!" and that you like the long videos and you don't care, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera (read like the King of Siam in The King and I). But, my perfectionist self can't take my 'breaking' the 30-second rule every week anymore, and my creative self is telling me that 30 seconds is just far too restrictive of a number. Then, my perfectionist self tells me that I can't change the title, because it'll break up the series. But my logical self says that's just silly. DID YOU KNOW I'M SCHIZOPHRENIC!?

So, I am changing the title to something that can satisfy ALL my personalities.

Welcome to AT LEAST Thirty-Second Thursday, everyone! :D


jules said...

k first of all LOVE the spitting:) hahaa! also loved when her legs were dangling in the air and she looked back there like 'hmmm." the end of the video is so cute where she screams in excitement like "that MY name!" :) too cute!!

your friend from Iowa said...

Amazing atheletic ability!