Monday, April 12, 2010

Funny Face

Serena has certain faces that she makes all the time, but it's hard to get them on camera since her expressions are so fleeting and constantly changing. This one is a thinking/trying-to-figure-something-out face. She kinda pulls the left corner of her mouth in and squints her left eye. I can't decide if she looks like someone when she does this or if it's a uniquely-Serena face. Jordan pulls in the corner of his mouth sometimes, so maybe she got that half of it from him? Who knows?


your friend from Iowa said...

She looks like a toothless person who is possibly feeling their new tooth over while contemplating life's deeper issues!

Jess said...

awwww - she looks like she just swallowed something that tastes bad - poor baby girl! she needs to sport that new tooth with her fab smile! ;) cute post!

jules said...

hahaaaaa! that is SO cute:) looks like she's "pondering" hahaa!

Anonymous said...

such a dolly!!! :) Love, MOM