I know, I know! I saw all the Facebook statuses today and I am well aware that everyone up north was in the double digits BELOW zero today! I promise that my posting pictures of us enjoying the great outdoors on a chilly January day (44 degrees) in Texas is not an attempt on my part to make you all jealous. Though if you are, I totally understand! ;)
Daddy came home sick yesterday afternoon, so today he stayed home! Even though he was still pretty wiped out from yesterday, his very presence at home today kept Serena and the doggies in great moods! Around 4 this afternoon, Jordan mustered up enough energy to take the slightly-stir-crazy dogs to the park. I bundled Serena up in her fleece-y snowsuit and she looked like such a munchkin toddling around the park!! She laughed and laughed as the doggies whizzed by her time and again, chasing each other and acting like complete maniacs!

Serena's becoming a little more confident in trying to repeat words after us. It's so funny how she has no qualms about babbling on and on all day long, but when I try to get her to say an actual word, she giggles nervously or completely ignores me! Anyway, she says "Oooohs" for her Cheerios now. It sounds so funny; like she has a really thick Minnesotan accent!
Another fun game these days is learning body parts. Not only can Serena find her nose, ears, eyes, belly, bellybutton, feet, hands, and elbows; but she can also find the nose, ears, eyes, and feet on Rocky & Macy (much to Macy's chagrin)!
Serena has gotten really good at her shape-sorter this past week too. She brought it to me earlier this week and I dumped out the shapes for her. It had been a few weeks since we'd played that game. Then she sat down and proceeded to find the spots for each of the shapes all by herself! I didn't even know she knew how to do that!!
1 comment:
We want to pick her up and cuddle her!! She looks so adorably cute in her fleece!
And yes, brrrr cold here! Thanks for your sympathy!
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