Monday, January 31, 2011

18 Months Old

Our little munchkin is 18 months old!!!! She has 4 front teeth on the top and bottom. She has 3 molars...we're still just waiting on the bottom left to come in. She's about 31 inches tall (25th percentile) and weighs 22 pounds (15th percentile). She still doesn't have much of a speaking vocabulary, although she communicates really well with the words she does know and the signs we've taught her. And she understands pretty much everything we say to her. Over the course of this past month, she's also weaned herself; which is somewhat of a relief considering that Bret is getting very close to making an appearance!

Ready to go grocery shopping with Mommy! Usually she puts bags over the crook of her arm, but this one was too big!

Wearing Daddy's sweatshirt with him. Notice the purse over her arm! She's kinda getting into carrying purses around lately, heehee!

1 comment:

jules said...

that is so adorable!