Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Playing with Daddy

Getting a big squeeze! Serena was having fun playing with her hacky sack from Guatemala that Aunt Jessie gave her

Macy is REALLY REALLY jealous of the hacky sack
Jordan tried to distract Macy with a tennis ball. It didn't really work. She is OBSESSED with the hacky sack and is always VERY AWARE of its location.

In other news, Serena is getting very adept at pulling herself up on things other than the side of her crib. This evening, she pulled herself up on the coffee table and reached immediately for the SWITCH BLADE KNIFE from Guatemala that Aunt Jessie gave to Jordan! Oh boy. I had a freaking-out-protective-mom-moment ("We can't have things like that just lying around!") and Jordan had a proud-dad-moment ("Did you see that? She reached right for the knife!").

The last couple days have also been punctuated with lots of new noises from Serena. "Da-da," "ma-ma," "la-la" and "ba-ba." She is still just as excitable as ever, and her ear-piercing screams can be heard from anywhere in the house...or store......or church. :P


jules said...

such sweet, sweet moments you are capturing! i am SO happy you share them everyday:)

i love how obsessed macy is about that hacky sack! lol!!!

your friend from Iowa said...

Great pictures and funny story!
Can't wait to see you!