Today started out pretty normally. I awakened to Jordan's alarm clock, but stayed in bed since Serena was not yet awake. She was still sound asleep next to me, her left arm stretched above her head; her right arm resting where it had found my arm earlier in the morning when she had started to stir and had quickly fallen back asleep after being reassured of my presence. About 10 or 15 minutes later, I woke from my doze to the sound of the shower and Serena rooting around for me. I turned to nurse her and dozed until Serena started announcing her readiness for the morning with her squeals, spitting, and other baby noises. I stayed in bed to enjoy her fun mood for a while before getting up. My morning routine is basically always the same: Get out of bed and build a pillow fortress around Serena. Then, brush my teeth and put in my contacts (I cannot function until my contacts are in!). Next, I take Serena into her room to change her diaper before we head downstairs for breakfast. Usually about an hour and a half to two hours after she first woke up, Serena is ready for her morning nap. Today was no different. I changed her diaper, making a mental note that I was putting her last diaper cover on her so it would probably be a good idea to wash diapers while she napped. We went downstairs and I got some breakfast for myself. I put Serena down to play in the dining room and I went to check my email. After about 15 minutes, Serena's tone changed to the "I'm lonely" sound, so I went in to play with her. As soon as I sat down next to her, I caught a whiff of that diaper. Oh boy. My mind instantly started thinking about when the last time was that she had pooped. Three days? Four? Maybe FIVE?! This is going to be a big one! Sure enough, she had once again worked her pooping magic. The cover contained it, but was not going to be able to be reused until it had been washed. Of course, Serena's flailing feet managed to get in it, and somehow it ended up on her jammies too. You'd think after 7 months of changing her explosive poopy diapers that I would have figured out a way to keep the poop from getting on her feet and clothes! But NooOOO! I probably only manage 'clean' poopy diaper changes about 30% of the time. These every-few-day poopings definitely have their pros and cons! Anyway, so that is how Serena came to be wearing nothing but a disposable diaper for this morning's photo shoot! She was in a delightful mood for it though...apparently feeling great after cleaning out her bowels so thoroughly. ;) Oh, and if you look closely, you can see her face-painting is still kinda there. I tried washing it off last night, only to find that it was stained. We'll see how long that lasts, haha! She just looks like she has a rosy dot on her cheek, since the pink stands out more than the blue!

Serena, mommy just told on you----you can't hide behind that sweet little grin!! Love, Grammie (XO)
Very funny, Ann!!
p.s. I love the description of your morning time with Serena!
hahaa, poor mommy:) serena really does have quite the happy face... i bet she was feelin so good lol!
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