Friday, March 26, 2010

Cute Snuggler...and Another Poop Story

Yes, yet ANOTHER poop story.

And the only reason I tell it is because it will probably be repeated in years to come and I want to make sure we get it right. That is the ONLY reason I tell it. Not because I want sympathy. Or admiration for my skills at removing poop from carpet and clothing. And DEFINITELY not because I enjoy writing about poop (usually) or because I think you guys enjoy reading about poop. (Do you?)

This evening, Jordan got home from a day in Iowa City and since he'd had pizza for lunch said he wasn't really hungry for any supper. I, on the other hand, was rather hungry; so I got out the fixings for a good ol' cheese quesadilla - complete with medium salsa and fresh chopped cilantro. I put Serena down to play in the dining room and got to work on my dinner. All of a sudden, Serena started making a lot of what I call her 'complaining' noises. It sounds like a whiny 'nnnnn' (...I know, shocker that sweet, happy Serena could EVER sound whiny!). So, thinking she'd crawled into some corner and couldn't figure out how to turn around or something, I peeked in on her. There she was, still sitting right where I'd left her, and there was this pile of I-didn't-even-want-to-know-what a couple inches behind her. I dropped my bag of cilantro on the floor and warily approached my poopy baby as I shouted things like Ewwww! and Gross! and You've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!! About that time, Macy came trotting in to investigate the commotion, spied the pile of poop, and (maybe thinking it was just a super-sized pile of oddly-colored spit-up?) rushed over and...yep, YOU GUESSED IT...started licking it up as fast as she could. (I know, you're thinking you didn't really need to know that detail. But you did, because otherwise the story wouldn't be quite as memorable.) I had my hands full trying to keep the squirming poop-monster from painting her poop on me, so I called out to Jordan to get his dog to quit eating the poop. Macy was banished to the outdoors while Serena received her second full bath of the day and her clothes joined yesterday's jammies (which had suffered a similar fate) soaking in the sink. I did eventually get back to the poop pile in the dining room and managed to get that stain out of the carpet. :P So far, Macy has seemed none the worse for her poop snack. Jordan watched a very happy ex-poopy baby for me while I finally got back to my cilantro and supper. Overall, the rest of the evening was quite uneventful after the big poop. In retrospect, I almost wish (ALMOST) that I had seen the poop happen. I mean, seriously, how does a baby end up with poop going UP the back of her shirt and a little poop on the waistband of her pants, but then a BIG PILE of poop a couple inches behind her?! It must have been quite a spectacular sight. My mind is conjuring up images of Old Faithful.

Cute lil' pooper hanging out on the couch with Daddy watching March Madness

I just included this picture because I think that expression looks so much like some of Jordan's baby pictures!!! Cute!


Anonymous said...

hahahaaa!!! thanks for sharing!! So funny!! :D When I saw the last picture, I thought she looked like she had put on a jordan face!!! :)

Love, MOM

your friend from Iowa said...

You have an amazing baby! :))
Wow! What a story, and she looks so innocent with her 'Jordan' face on!

jules said...

that was SO funny jen!!! WOW:) sometime you'll just have to secretly set up a camera to try to catch one of the 'explosions' lol!
i love the pictures of her wrapped up in the blankie on the couch... she is looking like such a big girl!