I've been seeing some warning signs that Serena might be coming down with a cold, and yesterday it really began to come on. She's a snotty mess!!!! Poor little kid! And not happy about it ONE BIT! She wants her MOMMY and no one else will do! Well, Daddy is generally acceptable for a little bit so Mommy can go use the bathroom or something, but Mommy better come RIGHT BACK! DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200!!!! ;) Last night, I tried to put Serena to bed, and she fussed a bit, but then fell off to sleep. About an hour later, she woke up fussy and in spite of our efforts to console her, she cried off and on for the next few hours before finally falling asleep around 1:30. Even then, she only slept about 2 hours and then was up for 2 hours and then down for another 2. Needless to say, I was exhausted and took her morning nap with her from about 9am to 12pm! Things went a little better after that as Serena tried to catch up on lost sleep for the rest of the day. She took another 3 hour nap in the afternoon and then slept for most of the trip home from Grandma & Grandpa's. She must be starting to feel a little better, since she is slowly becoming more interested in her toys again. I even managed to get a teeny smile out of her for tonight's picture while I was unpacking. You can see how tired and watery and red her eyes are, though. Poor baby!
1 comment:
aww:) poor sweet baby! get well soon serena!!!! *kissy:)
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