I LOVE these soft pink pants with the satin bow!!!! :)
I took Serena to her 6-month check-up today and Jordan met us at the Dr.'s office. Dr. L had all kinds of nice things to say about how well Serena is doing, and Jordan & I were all, "Yeah, yeah, we get that all the time." Haha, just kidding, we didn't say that! ;) He seemed really surprised that we hadn't started feeding Serena solids yet, but I guess I just don't see any reason to rush into that phase...especially since Serena doesn't seem to think she's missing out on anything yet! She weighed in at 17 pounds, 1.5 ounces which put her in the 70th percentile; but her height (25 inches) landed her in the 25th percentile. That was kinda weird, since at all her other appointments her height has been around the 75th percentile. Dr. L wasn't concerned at all, though; he said she just probably hasn't hit her 6-month growth spurt yet. So, I guess there's still hope that she won't be a shrimp like her mommy, haha! ;) She got her shots, and I have to say I am quite happy that we won't have any more shots for 6 months! Jordan held her while the nurse gave her the shots and comforted her afterwards, and she did really well. She's always responded well to Jordan's comforting ever since she was first born! And it was nice for me not to have to juggle a sad baby while checking out afterwards! She moped a little bit in her carseat, but she fell asleep by the time I got her home and she took a nice long nap. Ever since she woke up, though, she's been her normal little self! I'm so glad she doesn't hold grudges! ;)
What a big, little girlie!!! Give her a big kiss and hug from Grammie!! (XO)
awww, daddy's girl ;) glad her check up went so well! i love u, serena! what a brave baby girl! <3
so good to hear only wonderful news about your baby girl! i love her so much, and just am so thankful for her:) glad she's doing ok, and it made me laugh at the end where you say you're glad she doesn't hold grudges, lol!
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