Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thirty-Second Thursday

My ladybug

Serena's last Size 2 disposable diaper
(Don't you love this expression? "Seriously, Mom, you're taking a picture of this?")


jules said...

that's so cute! it's funny that while she's making big splashes her face kinda looks like - 'woah! someone's getting that in my face!' hehee.. she's SO cute:)

Jess said...

LOVE the video! that's so fun! good videoing dad and good editing mom! and of course, good job cleaning up, macy ;) these r all going to be so fun for serena to look back on someday! cute pix, too!!!! awww...i want to hold her! she's getting so big - almost 6 months already! i can't believe it!! <3