CUTE LITTLE RUFFLE-BUTT!!!! :D hehee!!! in the bottom left one i'm wondering if she's watching macy howl or something?? i remember from skyping last week that she gets that face when she's interested in something that's happening but not sure what to think yet:):)
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Well, we've come to the end of the Pink & Blue Daily!!! Enter: Baby
Cody! I'm going to go back to using my family blog, now, I think. About
time, I su...
We met at Northland International University in the fall of 2002 and were married July 9, 2005. We both graduated from Northland, and Jordan received his MABS there May 2008. We now have 3 kids - Serena (July 31, 2009); Bret (February 20, 2011); and Cody (September 5, 2012). We are very excited about what the Lord has in store for us!
such a cutie----love her ruffley pink pants!!! MOM
Happy times! This is a great time, when she is happy playing on the floor but really can't get anywhere!
CUTE LITTLE RUFFLE-BUTT!!!! :D hehee!!! in the bottom left one i'm wondering if she's watching macy howl or something?? i remember from skyping last week that she gets that face when she's interested in something that's happening but not sure what to think yet:):)
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