Serena is really enjoying sitting up during playtime. I can leave her and she'll stay up for quite a while on her own. I do usually put a boppy pillow around her, though, because sometimes she gets excited and kicks her legs out and then she loses her balance and falls backwards and it upsets her even though she's not hurt (Wow, that was a horrible run-on sentence!). But, if I'm sitting next to her when she falls backwards, I clap and cheer for her and she smiles or even laughs because she thinks clapping is really funny; and then she forgets all about the fact that she was going to get upset about falling over. :)
Such a little cutie!! Love her outfit and shoes!!! Love, Grammie
it was so fun to talk to u guys on skype today & to SEE her! she's just getting so big! and i love that outfit on her w/SHOES! awww...she's getting quite a bit of hair now, too!
How very sweet :)
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