Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Business of Rolling Over

Serena: "Here I am, posing for yet another photo shoot."
Macy: "Can I get up now?"

Yesterday, Serena rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time. To be honest, she might have cheated a little bit by pulling on a computer cord; but neither Jordan nor I were actually watching, so we're not really sure. Today, she cleared up all remaining doubts by rolling over...oh, at least 15 times in about a half hour! I decided to get a video of the phenomenon, but by then she was getting so quick that she would roll over before I could get the camera ready! It cracks me up how more often than not she accompanies the exercise with 'sound effects' like her motor mouth or just huge grunts. Also, a note about the toy...she hasn't figured out yet how to get the animals to pop up, but she loves closing them!


Anonymous said...

make it longer!!! So fun to watch her play!! She is amazing!!!!!!! Love, MOM

jules said...

wow! what a quick strong little roll:):) she is TOO cute! i love how her hair is getting all blondie lookin:)

your friend from Iowa said...

Just able to watch this today! Wow! She's amazing! Sounded like she revved up her motor and flipped over!

Jess said...

o man! the sound she makes when she rolls over had me laughing outloud! haha! good job, serena!!