Monday, May 31, 2010

Big Girl

Serena is not quite to the right weight to be able to ride in the built-in child seat in Grammie's van, but we decided she's close enough. It was nice not to have to mess with the car seat! :P She really enjoyed facing forward in the seat and sitting up. On the way to church on Sunday, she made us laugh because of how she straddled the seat (like she's doing in this picture today). It looked so funny since she was wearing such a pretty girlie pink dress and then was sitting so UNlady-like!

Oh! And, as a VERY IMPORTANT side-note, Serena turned 10 months old today!!! :D

Riding in Grammie's van


jules said...

wow! i remember when kaden was just big enough to do that! crazy!!

Anonymous said...

"Happy 10 months", Serena!!! Love, Grammie