Yesterday, Jordan was playing on the floor with Serena. Suddenly he said he thought Serena had a tooth on top! I was like, Really!? 'Cause I'd been watching for them to start coming in, but hadn't seen anything. He was pretty certain, and told me where to look. Sure enough, there was a little sliver of white. I stuck my finger in there and could definitely feel it; apparently she was working on cutting it last week and we didn't even know it! She was a bit fussy and clingy last weekend, but I just chalked it up to all our running around with family and not getting regular naps. Though it did kind of concern me that a couple times she cried and cried when I would try to put her down for a nap, which wasn't like her at all. I'm so glad to know she had a good reason! The funny part is that it is not one of the front middle teeth; it's the one to the right of the middle teeth! She's going to look like a jack o' lantern! Haha! :D

All those adorable smiles? They were for Daddy!
What sweet pictures! I love her nosy look in the upper left and love the pink towel framing her precious face!!
she is going to be such a giggley girl:) she's SO cute!
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