Serena had an exciting first Christmas! Besides enjoying the novelty of opening presents, she spent the day being passed around and doted on by everyone; and of course, napping and eating. :) To make things a little more memorable, she had a HUGE blow-out tonight at the Horak Christmas gathering. :P Before we left for the party she had been napping for over 3 hours, and I finally had to wake her up to take her to the party. I didn't have time to change her, so I figured I would just do it when we got to the party. On the drive over, I heard her do a little toot, and I thought to myself how she hadn't pooped for at least two days and whenever she ended up pooping it was probably going to be a big one! Shortly after we got her in the house, she started making the rounds of Jordan's aunts and uncles. I thought I had better intercept her and get her diaper changed since she'd been wearing it for quite a while. Lo and behold, the little twirp had made a BIG MESS in there and gotten it on her clothes and on her blanket!!!! :P Out came the back-up onesie and Serena's cute but poopy "Baby's First Christmas" outfit was banished to a Wal-Mart sack! Way to go, Serena! Merry Christmas! :D
hahahaa!! what a little cutie patootie!!!! :) Love, Grammie
hahaaa too bad, but SO funny :D lol...
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